I'm Indiana Adams.
This is my blog.
I LIVE IN Atlanta.
About this blog:
In 2009, while living in Austin, Texas, I started a blog called Adored Austin and watched my audience grow from a regular readership of two (me and my aunt) to over a hundred thousand readers per month.
In 2014, my family relocated to Atlanta, Georgia. Since it made zero sense to have a blog called "Adored Austin" when I'm... you know... no longer living in Austin, I had to scramble and come up with something new. Enter: Indiana Elsewhere. It's me, elsewhere.
Adored Austin's archives are here on Indiana / Elsewhere as well as some cross posted material from my work with the Coffee + Crumbs podcast.
A little more about me + the internet:
I started blogging in 1999 as beta tester for Blogger where I documented my life as newly single gal at a conservative Christian university and I've been documenting the various stages of my life in online journal form ever since. I've always loved using the internet to make IRL relationships and to that end, I founded Texas Style Council, a beloved conference specific for female creatives that ran for five years during SXSW week in Austin, Texas. I've had the honor of speaking at various conferences around the country, including a featured presentation with TOMS at SXSW and a packed out panel at Alt Summit, where I got to present the influencer POV during a talk on brand partnerships.
These days I'm behind the scenes as a freelance social media marketing and community building consultant and I'm the host of the Coffee + Crumbs podcast as well as their co-director of brand partnerships. I write thoughtfully but off-the-cuff, choosing to eschew tactics to gain a larger, but more shallow readership. Instead I focus on creating meaningful content on the podcast and stay connected with my established community and friends through this blog and my Instagram account.
About us:
- Has an inordinate amount of Texas pride for someone who only lived there seven years.
- Once won a donut eating contest while nursing a baby.
- Spent more time writing this bio than she did birthing Caroline.
- Is steadily building his repertoire of "dad jokes".
- Believes most everyone can benefit from more protein and weight training.
- Thinks Cool Ranch Doritos are better than original Nacho Cheese Doritos (he's wrong, obvs.)
Noodles, 7.5
- Was originally named June, but started going by her nickname full-time after Jude was born.
- Hangs out under Lucy's chair at mealtime since she's the messiest eater.
- Has been picked up by the tail and pinched on the mouth with nary a growl or snarl.
Jude, 7.5
- Says he wants to be a pastor and an Olympic swimmer when he grows up.
- Describes his personal style as "east coast cool dude".
- On his fifth birthday presented a five point case as to why he should be allowed little Legos . We acquiesced.
Caroline, 5.5
- Introduced herself as Rapunzel to her ballet teacher.
- Claims that leopard is her favorite color.
- Wants to have 100 cats when she's a grown up.
- Wants to be a dentist / ballerina when she grows up.
Lucy, 4
- Can eat her weight in steak and bacon.
- Favorites animals: pandas and dogs.
- Her favorite color is orange.
- Seems to be a lefty.
- Is the most talkative of our three kids and wants to be an actor when she grows up.
What people are saying about Indiana Adams:
“I read your blog almost every day!”
“Indiana has never met a chicken wing she didn’t love.”
“Indiana Adams is a relatable mama with a heart of gold. Kinda want her to be my neighbor!”