The most winning-est day of MY LIFE

I just screamed so loud that I am 99% sure that I woke up everyone on my block!

So remember that stunning BB Dakota dress that I blogged about last week? Well, turns out that I WON IT THIS MORNING! I just now found out!

That is crazy! This along with this afternoon's ModCloth win officially makes this the most winning-est day of my life.

Thanks so much to Danielle over at Fell4Fashion for this super amazing giveaway! I seriously cannot wait to have my BB Dakota dress and take photos in it for my daily style files. I was just telling someone how I need to incorporate more purple into my wardrobe.

Um, since this is the most winning-est day of my life, and it's not yet midnight, I should maybe seriously consider going to buy a lottery ticket...

Thanks again, to Fell4Fashion! I am dumbstruck!

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Now this is getting bizarre


Thanks, ModCloth!