Giveaway: Leviticus Jewelry

Every once in a while you stumble across a designer who is so amazing that it, literally, takes your breath away. That happened to me last week when I discovered Houston based jewelry designer Tara Levitin of Leviticus Jewelry. I swiftly added her to Twitter and was floored when she agreed to do a giveaway here on Adored Austin.

All the goods at Leviticus Jewelry are handmade by Tara and are "inspired by Levitin’s love of oddities, music, and old movies". She has offered to give one Adored Austin reader their pick of any of the clearance necklaces. With 15 different choices, you are going to have a hard time just choosing one! Two of my favorites are the Totem Pole necklace and the Going Steady necklace:
Also, you should know that if you win but you really want something that isn't on the clearance list, you can subtract the price of a clearance necklace from the price of any item of your choice. So go ahead and consider other items, too! I'm seriously crushing on the Bitty Bee necklace:
You have until midnight central time this Wednesday, August 12th to enter, and just like last week, you get your name in the bowl once for leaving a comment, twice for leaving a comment and reblogging, or three times for leaving a comment, reblogging, and Tweeting (shortcut URL:

Here's what you gotta do by Wednesday to be eligible:
1. Check out Leviticus Jewelry to pick out what you'd get if you win.
2. Comment on this post saying two things:

• What you'd choose from the shop if you are the winner, and
• Something that reminds you of your grandparents (or other influential older people in your life).

3. If you reblogged and/ or Tweeted, make sure to say where.
I would choose the Totem Pole necklace.
Giant owl necklaces remind me of my Grandma.
I reblogged at and tweeted @adoredaustin
[<-- your twitter ID].
4. Leave your email address if you would like me to contact you if you win (otherwise, you can simply check back here on Thursday, August 13th).

I'll be drawing a winner on video on Thursday, and the prize must be claimed by Monday, August 17th.

Good luck, everyone! And thanks, Leviticus Jewelry, for doing such an awesome giveaway on Adored Austin!

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

My 2 cents, plus 8 more


Disaster day!