2010: so far, so good!

Well, so far 2010 is going well! The Year of the Man Makeover launched, and I've won both of my 2010 Scrabble games. On Saturday I went to a dinner party at my friend Emily's house and I met and got to know Byron and Allison. Okay, actually, I had met Allison once before at a pizza place, but I hardly talked to her, so I'm not counting that! I thought they were such a cute couple and the epitome of Austin style, so I had to have a snapshot of them for Adored Austin. This makes Byron and Allison my first street style couple!

Allison & Byron

They were kind enough to write down where all their clothes and accessories had come from but I lost the paper. I seem to recall that most of their clothes were from Buffalo Exchange and his bag and scarf were gifts. I told Byron that he needed to launch his own Lookbook.nu page. Those glasses! That bag! Perfection!

In this new year, Hubs and I have fully committed to a new church. It's small but we really love it and their vision for the city. Sunday services are pretty casual, and I appreciate that I can still dress like me:
like Sunday morning
like Sunday morning
funky necklace from Accessorize.comdate: 3 January 2010
dress: thrifted F21 (Savers)
sweater: vintage, estate sale
bag: vintage, My Favorite Place (Atlanta)
tights: Target
boots: thrifted Minnetonka (Buffalo Exchange)
coat (in hand): J.Lo
tank (under dress): American Apparel (SXSW flea market)
necklace: courtesy of Accessorize.com

I got a pretty raw (but honest) question about my sense of humor on my formspring this morning.

Q: Why do you want me to ask a question, if your going to give lame off the wall answers instead of the truth.

My answer was not the most kind or graceful answer-- in fact, it was a knee jerk reaction, but I do have some goals for the new year (neé resolutions) that include being more kind and loving. But something that is not a goal for 2010? Toning down my sense of humor. I'll be nice, but I can't promise that I'll be serious! Besides, like 90% of the time I feel like my life is a sitcom.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

It's day two, and he hates this outfit even more than yesterday's.


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