This morning's outfit brought to to you by Jimi Hendrix Adams.

Jimi is getting a little jealous of all the attention Hubs and I are getting for our fashion blogs (by the way: thanks for the mention yesterday, Australian fashion blog An Affair With Fashion). For the last three mornings, our little dachshund has toddled downstairs with us as we do our snaps. I'm pretty sure he wants to launch his own online style site.

experimental outfit + Jimi
Jimi wants to show you my shoes
My dog is awesome.

date: 6 January 2010
occasion: lunch and Scrabble
blue dress: (courtesy of a gift card)
floral dress: thrifted (Savers)
belt: Buffalo Exchange (new merch)
tights: Old Navy
loafers: thrifted Dexter (Savers)

He looks so precious in that last photo, so let's do a C.O.X.C.U. (Cute Overload eXtreme Close-Up):

cute close-up!

I told Jimi that once he builds up his wardrobe, we can talk about him starting his own site. He told me to tell you that his collar is from Petsmart.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Yesterday's Buffalo Exchangee finds


And GQ's best dressed man of 2009 is...