Now THIS is how casual is done!
In my ideal world, Hubs would have enough new preppy/ urban cowboy clothes to never have to wear a super casual outfit, ever during The Year of the Man Makeover. When I pick out his clothes I often ask myself, "Would Alex P. Keaton wear this?" If the answer is no, I ask, "Would Greg Brady wear this?" If that answer is no, then I rethink the outfit.
However, I wanted to show him (and other dudes) that's it's possible to be super casual without having to resort to a sloppy, dingy, boring t-shirt, unfitted jeans, and running shoes. Since he had a department meeting today and still isn't feeling 100% comfortable in vests and ties, I put together a young, casual look for him that is a slight twist on his basic jeans/ t-shirt combo.
My friend Kevin (who is an awesome artist and even used to work for Paul Frank) designed this t-shirt, and it may be my favorite thing in Hubs' new wardrobe. I saw Kevin's shirts for sale last December at the Hope Farmers Market, and I just had to buy one in preparation for the makeover. I think if a man is going to wear a t-shirt, he should wear one that is fitted, soft, and witty. The tees at Forward Collective are all those things. I'm even considering buying the Ali t-shirt for myself!
Hubs was shocked that I allowed him out of the house in a t-shirt!