I love yesterday!

Last night Hubs and I went to the Music for the City Hope for Haiti benefit show. They raised over $12,000 to send to the Hope for Haiti orphanage (which existed before the earthquake, but now has even deeper, more pressing needs). When the earthquake happened, Austin musician Aaron Ivey's newly adopted son was still at the orphanage due to some political red tape, and now that the earthquake has happened, they aren't sure if he'll get to come home any time soon at all. I was moved to tears by his song "Amos Story", dedicated to his little boy. I hope y'all don't mind that I've posted the incredibly moving music video:

Before the show, Hubs and I went to my friend Carmen's house to celebrate her birthday again (I love how we girls always throw ourselves a party on our actual birthday date and another party on the weekend!). I gave Carmen Bananagrams because I loved mine so much after buying it based on y'all's recommendations. I even made her a Bananagrams birthday card:

Happy birthday, Carmen!
Carmen, in turn, surprised us by ordering a THIRTY INCH PIZZA from Arpeggio's. It was a beast, but I helped tame it!
30 inch pizza!
L: Me & Heidi hold the 30 inches of awesomeness (Steve helps).
R: Most people would be okay with just one of these slices. I ate two.

Finally a face with a name, right? The girl in the left photo with me is Heidi-- yes the same one who annihilates me in Scrabble on a semi-daily basis. Heidi is an awesome artist, and she also makes really cool wallets out of her childhood drawings, notes, and current doodles. I've used one of her wallets for the last year (I bought it at a Christmas bazaar in 2008) , and every time I pull it out at a store, the clerks ooh and ahh over it.

wallet by Heidi

She recently opened an Etsy shop called Bear Fox, so now you can have one of these whimsical wallets, too! Mine is very similar to the Light Blue Allison Wallet. Don't forget that Valentine's Day is coming up in less than a month. At just $15 a pop, you can get that special someone in your life an awesome, one of a kind money holder. The shop just went live today at Etsy.com/shop/shopbearfox.

In other news, I've lost my camera battery charger. No doubt it's in the black hole that is in my closet. If you don't hear from me for a couple days, please send Hubs to my closet to try and find me.

Comment of the Day: Random fact: On this day in 1955, the board game Scrabble was introduced. -Anonymous

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Hey, it's that studded blazer again!


Hubs and I get haircuts tomorrow!