Blog Spotlight: Kendi Everyday

Confession: I read an insane amount of blogs. I have over 100 personal style blogs in my Google Reader, and although I don't comment on a all of them daily, I lurk like a creepster every day.

One of my new favorite blogs and regular lurking spots is Kendi Everyday. Kendi is a fellow Texan, and her photos are amazingly adorable and the way she labels her outfits is so unique:

Like her super friendly writing voice, her style is down to earth but original. She's given me so much inspiration lately, and I'm so excited to be able to meet this new blogger at next month's New Media Fashion brunch and boutique crawl. If you haven't already, bookmark Kendi Everyday and lurk there everyday like I do... 'cept maybe take the time to leave a few comments, okay?

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Well, that was fast!


Oh, look. Another childhood book series reference.