Where's Indiana?

I love Where's Waldo and this town knows it. I mean, I am the person who led Flash Mob Austin's live Where's Waldo search last year! When I saw this dress, I had to have it for it's Where's Waldo-like appeal. I love it so much that I'm even smiling with my teeth! I hardly ever do that!

date: 23 March 2010
occasion: dress hunting
dress: courtesy of American Apparel (SXSW flea market). My other Le Sac will be given to the Delightful Dozen.
hair bow: Lulu (hair-do inspired by this)
shoes: thrifted Nine West (Buffalo Exchange)
tiger ring: Buffalo Exchange (new merch, purchased today)

I am sorta feeling like Where's Waldo lately! Forgive me for a wee bit of an absence on outfits posts and for not updating The Man Makeover. Battling weeks of morning sickness, then executing the New Media Fashion events, then doing SXSW, and now traveling to Indiana for my cousin's wedding is keeping me super preoccupied! But I finally feel better and after I return on Monday, I think I'll be able to hunker down and get back to my manic amounts of postings! I've missed y'all like crazy!

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Like you need reminding?


Coming April 25: Zac Posen for Target