Best of 2010

I'm on the road heading back to my beloved Texas today, so I thought I'd do a little 2010 wrap-up. Instead of posting my favorite outfits (big yawn!*), I thought I'd post some links to my favorite Adored Austin posts:

January 26: No Nike Shorts! No Nike Shorts!

February 17: Worst Valentines Day, ever

June 25: The Anatomy of a Fashion Blogger

September 29: Sexy Halloween?

August 26: What Not to Wear- the Pregnancy Edition

November 10: Celebrities smell

Thank you to all of you! You have made 2010 a banner year for Adored Austin. I've had a lot of fun, but I do have some big changes coming up for 2011 (to be announced soon). I hope you'll stick with me in the new year. I've loved having you!

*Tiny P.S.
I don't think all "best of what I wore this year" posts are boring. I just think mine would be boring.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Pajama Jeans!

