I look like a florist boxer

Auditions are a strange thing. I had a commercial audition yesterday where I had to dress as a florist in a boxing match. No, not a florist at a boxing match... a florist in a boxing match.

I wore this dress with some khaki pants, my PB&J floral wedges, and an apron. I wore my usual messed up pony tail. I planned to take this Mrs. Skrotch-like dress back to Target immediately after my audition (Bee pointed out that the print is feathers not flowers), but then I remembered that I have to hang on to it until after callbacks (you're supposed to dress exactly how you dressed for each subsequent round of auditions). I do rather like the print, so I've decided to just keep it forever:

date: 22 July 2011 | occasion: commercial audition
dress: Target | blouse: self made | belt: Target | sandals: c/o Wanted (Buy One Get One Free right now!) | Texas necklace: c/o Maya Brenner
I believe this is one of the strangest things I've auditioned for. Nope. Never mind. Scratch that. I once got called in to Barney to audition for the part of "Mother Nature". When I got there, I had to sing a Mary Poppins song and learn a dance to a song called "Rock like a Monkey". Nanny Monkey Mother Nature was by far stranger than Florist Boxer. I didn't book the Barney gig, but my fingers are crossed for this Florist Boxer job.
Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Giveaway: Maya Brenner sterling state necklace [closed]


Thank you, Mrs. Skrotch