
It's my fault for not having my camera in the case, but Sunday afternoon, Jude grabbed my camera by the strap from the entry table and CRASH! My lens busted. The camera appears to be in okay shape but I cannot get the cracked lens off the body.

Please accept this kitten as a humble apology for the lack of posts yesterday and today.

[photo c/o]
Hopefully I can scrounge up some Austin Fashion Week coverage and have that up later this week. I hope to have the camera situation figured out late this evening.

In the meantime, would anyone like to do a guest post on the greatest thing you've ever found at a thrift store? If so, get in touch by filling out this form.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Central Texas Fires


Five pieces you can totally thrift this fall