Back to the mom-mobile...

I have had the busiest week of my life. Texas Style Council was Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and I spoke at SXSW on Monday and attended several interactive panels and the world premiere of Blue Like Jazz on Tuesday. The insanity continues tonight with the StyleX festivities. If you'd like to hear me speak on Fashion + Technology on Saturday, please come by StyleX. You don't need a SXSW badge. Everything is free to attend!
I didn't get a lot of outfit photos this week because I didn't lug my giant camera around with me. I did manage to snap a photo of Tuesday's outfit and the Camaro that Chevy loaned me during all my SXSW insanity. This was really great for me because I was able to leave my mini van with my best friend who was babysitting Jude (in addition to her own kid), and a Camaro is just so much cooler to zip around SXSW in than a mom-mobile. Wouldn't you agree?


date: 13 March 2012 | occasion: SXSW panels

dress: vintage $5 dress via 499 (last seen here) | headband: c/o Send the Trend (last seen here) | sandals: c/o Wanted | necklace: c/o JewelMint | bag:

I was more than a little sad to give the Camaro back. It was a dream to drive, but I can't imagine our family ever buying one in the near future. It's not really a car meant for car seats if you know what I'm saying.
[vimeo 38753200 w=600 h=338]
But one day my kids are going to grow up and move out of the house and Chris and I are going to have to get a flashy "retirement car". Maybe this little guy will be our forever young car.
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Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Local Love: Great Nails & Spa


TxSC 2012: When's 2013's Conference?