What Mom Wants featuring RedEnvelope + a giveaway

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of RedEnvelope. Tracking Pixel


Yesterday I went into a clothing store and the young sales girl asked, "Are those... Cheerios stuck to your shirt?" I said nothing. I simply gave her a wry smile and gestured at my kids: Caroline, who had soaked her shirt with her own drool, Lucy, who was making pig sounds and rooting furiously on her fist, and Jude who was clutching a matchbox car and doing what one can only describe as a combination break dance/ Irish jig. I watched as the sales girl took stock of my crew, my shirt, and my unwashed hair, and her face faded from her salesgirl smile into something akin to terror. In that moment, I knew she was considering her future, "Could that be me in ten years?"

Ten years ago, I would have recoiled at the sight of a mom like me, too, but now? Now I give moms like me a knowing smile. Besides, Cheerios clean up easily compared to other things (see also: 123).

This has been my first week on my own with all three kids. And do you know what I've realized about motherhood? It is exhausting! It's also hilarious and precious, but it's astonishing how challenging it can be. Of course we've had a doozy of a week: Caroline is teething, Jude started his new homeschool curriculum, and Lucy can be officially diagnosed with colic now. Oh, my! Thank goodness God designed parents to think their kids are cute!

I don't think I understood how challenging motherhood could be until I had kids, which is why I never really thought much about Mother's Day. I didn't start thanking the mothers in my life until I begun to see that it's not just buying clothes and reading stories and preparing meals.

Mother's Day is May 11th this year. It's your chance to show the moms in your life that you see how hard they're working and that you appreciate their efforts. If you have ever been in a relationship with me or had to audacity to actually marry me (haha- Chris!), then you know that my love language is gifts. RedEnvelope is my favorite place to peruse Mother's Day gifts for my loved ones, but also for myself.

Here's what I'd like for Mother's Day, and what I suspect any mom would appreciate:


1. Picture frames // I'd hang these in my bedroom and populate the frames with encouraging words and flattering photos of my offspring. You know... because as I go to bed I'd like to be reminded that my kids are capable of not having snot or dirt on their faces.
2. A bath caddy // Along with the bath caddy I'd also like time to soak and someone to stand guard outside the bathroom door so I can actually have a few minutes of uninterrupted / unhurried bliss.
3 & 4. A record player and record case // Mainly because my kids won't have any idea what these are or how to use them.
5. Hanging planters // And a prayer that no one treats them like piñatas.
6. A pretty jewelry box that locks // My 1.5 year old already steals my necklaces and bracelets. I need a place to keep things tucked away from her!
7. A cashmere sweater // I've always maintained that giving someone a sweater is like giving someone a hug. I'll take both, but the sweater will last longer. Plus, like a trench coat, a cashmere sweater is on the Tim Gunn 10 Essentials list!
8. Beautiful placemats // My wood dining room table is starting to look like the surface of a golf ball, with all its dings and nicks. I need a pretty way to protect what's left of it.
9. A pink bag that isn't a diaper bag // There will come a day when I won't have to carry a diaper bag anymore. Or when my husband will take me out on a date (after I feel comfortable leaving Lu). On that day, I'd like to carry something that isn't riddled with milk stains.
10 & 11. Personalized bracelet and necklace with my kids' names // In hopes that I can remember my kids' names when I'm going on just one hour of sleep and two cups of coffee.

I'll admit, I'm a list maker when it comes to gifts. I'll often send Chris an email or point him to an appropriate Pinterest board or blog post with gift ideas for me. If you're like me, you can download this graphic and email it to the person of your choice with links to what you want from RedEnvelope this Mother's Day. You've earned it!

Because I survived my first week alone with the kids, I went ahead and treated myself to the photo frames from RedEnvelope. I love that what I ordered from RedEnvelope actually came with a red envelope! Other (smaller) things I've ordered from them in the past have come in pretty red boxes, instantly making the receiver giddy to open it.

I was really tempted to get myself a record player, but I decided to get the photo frames, instead. I have lived in this house for seven years, and I spend a lot of time in my bedroom nursing, but I have nothing hanging on the walls. I just know that I'll regret never printing out any photos of my kids, so that had to be rectified. Amy Russell of Pinwheel Portrait had taken some adorable photos of my family, so I wanted to display them. 
[credits: Pinwheel Portrait & verses from Sweet Blessings]
Easy update, right? The photos are easy to load, so I can switch them out (which I plan to with better quality prints soon). I think this would be a really great gift for a new mom or a mom who has recently moved to a new space. Photo frames have become one of my favorite gifts to give because people just don't take the time to print out photos anymore!
Have you checked out RedEnvelope before? If so, what do you want? Why do you deserve to treat yo' self? Or why does your mom deserve a treat? I ask because you are herby invited to enter to win a $500 RedEnvelope giftcard. Yes, $500! You read that right! Leave a comment and tell me what's on your RedEnvelope wishlist and enter below. Not sure what to get for the mom in your life? Here's a cute flowchart that will give you some really thoughtful ideas. Enter the giveaway below & be sure to leave a comment in the comment section below that: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Details: The giveaway will be open on Wednesday April 30at 12:01am PT and end May 7, 2014 at 11:59pm PT. Three winners (from all 20 blogger giveaways) will be selected to receive a $500 RedEnvelope gift card. Winners will be selected by RedEnvelope once the giveaway closes. RedEnvelope is responsible for prize fulfillment.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of RedEnvelope. Tracking Pixel

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Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Like a cloud


The trenches