Episode 03 / Mommy Body | Dad Bod

Show description:

For our third episode, we talk about fitness. We weigh the pros and cons of skinny over strong, we compare "mommy body" to "dad bod", and we discuss some of our own workouts and fitness goals. Huge thanks to podcast sponsor LUNA Protein bars


ThE MAKING OF THIS episode, at a glance: 

Editing a podcast is hard when you have two talkers as co-hosts



  • LUNA Bars were at TxSC in full force, and Indiana literally tried every single flavor they had. Favorites from the protein line-up include Mint Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Salted Caramel, and Chocolate Coconut Almond. Each boasting 12 grams of gluten-free protein goodness, LUNA bar is an easy indulgence for Indiana on gym days. 


Quote of the show: 

"I power clean every day. Right before you get home." -Indiana on power cleaning


Let's discuss: 

  • Had you heard the term "dad bod" before? 
  • How has age affected your fitness routines? 
  • What are some of your own short and long term fitness goals? 

Action items: 

  • Sometimes when you put something new out there and put a lot of work into it, you're unsure if its well received. If you like what we're doing and the general direction in which we're headed, could you take a second to let us know? Either in the comments or by pressing like (no need to login) or with a little nudge on Indiana's Instagram or Twitter? Thank you!

  • Now that our first three episodes are live, we plan to release a new episode every Wednesday and new blog content Monday through Friday. If you've listened to one of our episodes, we'd love it if you could subscribe and leave a five star review for us in the iTunes store

Indiana Adams

I like clothes, chicken wings, & sunshine. I’m building a community for joy-seeking women at MyInternetBesties.com.


ATL Adventures: Zoo Atlanta


Episode 02 / Nice to meat you