Episode 04 / Them mom jeans, though

Show Descriptions:

In episode four, we talk about how parenting and getting older has changed our personal style. Our friend Jen from Jen Loves Kev joins us for a bit, and then we reminisce about that time Indiana tried to pick out Chris' clothes for him for an entire year. We end by briefly talking about intentional shopping rather than trend chasing. We're proud to promote our partnering brand Purpose Boutique during this show. 


Listen (iTunes):

This episode at a glance: 

Charting Indiana's & Chris' feelings toward certain fashion trends. . . 

1 = burn it with fire -vs- 10= wear it every day

settle this:

Should Indiana keep these mom jeans?

show notes: 

Sponsor Spotlight:

Fair-trade clothing options are very limited and typically expensive. Purpose Boutique launched their Purpose Dresses to bridge this gap. These dresses are a unique combination of irresistible charm, affordability, and ethical production by refugee women at Open Arms who are in sanctuary in Austin, Texas and need a brighter future. 

Quote of the Show: 

"They wanted to borrow my every day clothes for Halloween." -Indiana, on when she first realized she dressed unusual. 


Let's Discuss:

  1. What has the biggest influence over what you wear? 
  2. What is the "ugliest" thing you own and why do you like it anyway? 
  3. Where are some of your favorite places to shop for clothes? 

Action Item: 

  • We would love it if you could take a quick moment to leave us a review on iTunes
  • If you want to dress like Indiana and / or buy things Chris hates do so here:

Indiana Adams

I like clothes, chicken wings, & sunshine. Iā€™m building a community for joy-seeking women at MyInternetBesties.com.


Partner Spotlight: Purpose Boutique


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