But what about your podcast?

It's been over a year since Mom Jeans & Dad Jokes has had a new episode. It was never our intention to stop podcasting completely, but as indicated by the posts I've done so far this year on I/E, our 2016 was something akin to survival mode.

Chris and I both really miss MJ&DJ. We loved making the show together, as it forced us to spend time together at a teeny desk, sharing a microphone, talking and laughing. Our show was raw, our conversations were spontaneous, but it was fun and we had an incredibly receptive and loyal audience. 

We don't yet have a plan for MJ&DJ other than just one day bringing it back from the dead! I think initially we wanted it to be both an active blog and a weekly podcast, but for our relaunch, we're really only going to focus on the once per week podcast where Chris and I banter around a topic + parenting and becoming local date night / family outing experts. We have no idea when that day will be, though. Chris' work schedule and my homeschooling schedule doesn't give us too many margins these days.

One thing I really enjoyed about Adored Austin is that I covered Austin fashion events, so I was always out and about in my city, forging new connections and making new friends in the blog and fashion communities.  I'd like to do something similar with MJ&DJ and suburban married couples and parents. The online space that I've always been interested in is the intersection where Internet connections become meaningful in-person relationships. I have a vision that we can reach a wide (national) audience with our lighthearted podcast and then host local events and do family meet-ups and playdates when we travel. 

These are big dreams, and we're only three weeks in to the new year, so who knows how it will all actually shake down. I don't see things getting easier until 2018, honestly. Once a week, though, I'd like to try to send out an Indiana/Elsewhere newsletter with the latest blog posts, things I'm mulling over, and weird stuff I find online. When MJ&DJ comes back, I'll email y'all. In the meantime, if you'd like me to invade your inbox once / week, feel free to sign up. 

Indiana Adams

I like clothes, chicken wings, & sunshine. Iā€™m building a community for joy-seeking women at MyInternetBesties.com.


At 7, 17, and 27


A more ME home